e-mail: summeru@ceu.edu
Tel.: +36-1 327-3811
Skype: ceu-sun
Welcome to CEU’s Summer University, a special study and professional development opportunity for academics and practitioners from all over the world. Join the CEU community online in 2023 and in person at the Budapest campus in 2021.
A joint online introductory course of the following events to be held face-to-face later in the fall:
- Geospatial Technologies for Monitoring Water- and Health-related SDGs
- Innovations in Disaster and Climate Risk Reduction- ISEPEI weekend workshops
Decision-makers are faced with the constant challenge of maintaining access to and understanding new technologies and data, as information and communication technologies (ICTs) are constantly evolving and as more data is becoming available. Despite continually improving technologies, informed decision-making is being hindered by inadequate attention to enabling conditions, e.g. a lack of in-service education and professional training. Practitioners are in a position to greatly benefit from this data revolution and to better shape management strategies and make more informed, data-driven decisions if they have a periodic overview of emerging technologies and their potential applications.
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With an introductory self-paced online course: June 11-30, 2023
Inclusive and sustainable industrialization is essential to achieve sustainable development. It unleashes dynamic and competitive economic forces that generate employment and income, facilitates international trade, and enables efficient use of resources. As such, it is a major driver of shared prosperity and green transition. In many countries, production and consumption patterns are outpacing the renewal capacity of natural resources and the capacity of governments to manage waste products. The greening of industries by governments and industries themselves is a proactive way to decouple environmental pressures from economic growth. Science and technology play a vital role in encouraging manufacturing industries towards using sustainable patterns of production and economic growth.

Music as Heritage: From Tradition to Product - Online Musicology
13 - 21 July, 2023

Summer School in Latin and Greek Codicology and Palaeography

- Cultures of Dissent in Eastern Europe (1945-1989): Research Approaches in the Digital Humanities
This course will be held online in January and February 2021. More information will be published around September 2023.